TNE Electrical are NICEIC electricians and can complete your Periodic Inspection Report for you.
The information below from the Electrical Safety Council's website explains why and when you need a Periodic Inspection Review.
What is a periodic inspection? A test to maintain show that your electrics continue to uphold the national safety standard. A periodic inspection will Tests are also carried out on wiring and fixed electrical equipment to check that it is safe. A schedule of circuits will also be provided, which is invaluable for a property. Why is a periodic inspection needed? Electrics deteriorate with use and age. Therefore it is important that the safety of users is not put at risk. How often is a periodic inspection required? Your electrics should be tested every Other instances when a periodic inspection should be carried out are Who should do it and what happens? A fully registered electrician, who will check the electrics against the national safety standard, should carry out all periodic inspections. The inspection should meet BS 7671 – Requirements for Electrical Installations (IEE Wiring Regulations). That’s the technical name for the 850 regulations that are checked in this test. The inspection takes into account all the relevant circumstances and includes the following The electrician will provide a periodic inspection report (PIR) as part of the periodic inspection. There are no government-approved schemes in the UK that register electricians to carry out the periodic inspection and testing of electrical wiring. So, just because an electrician is registered doesn’t make them qualified. However the following organizations do register electricians that can carry out this work (although not all cover the entire UK). So, before employing an electrician to carry out a PIR, check with the organization they are registered with to ensure they can do this type of work. TNE Electrical is registered with NICEIC Ascertiva Group Ltd trading as NICEIC Phone: 0870 013 0382 Stay safe with info from TNE ElectricalPIRs explained
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